Flying through fall pickups

Ultimate frisbee met over fall break to get a head start on the spring ultimate season


At the fall pick ups during a drill, junior Jake Hayden flies for a disc. He caught the disc and won a point for his team in the drill. This happened at Lions Park when ultimate frisbee had fall pickups.

Every past frisbee team player and any newcomers showed up on Wednesday September 23, 2015 at Lion’s Park.  You show up to see frisbees flying overhead and even an occasional water fight.  This is what goes on at fall pick ups.  

On a more serious note, this is a time to make new friends.  To teach one another how to play, or even enhance the skills they already have.  Josh Shepard and Jake Hayden, the guys that run this shindig, start out with a drill and move on to scrimmages.  During the drill Jake and Josh take time to reach out to the people who might not feel comfortable.  They teach them the proper techniques to throwing a disc and how to play.

“My favorite part about ultimate is meeting new people.  The people I play with on the field are the people I hang out with everyday,”  Shepard said.  He enjoys getting on the field knowing that sportsmanship is always a high priority.  “I’ll try to make friends when I’m on the field with the opponents.  What I like to do is usually have a conversation with them, and try and make the game more enjoyable for us all.”