Making their creative mark

Printmaking class allows students to express their creativity in multiple media

Art teacher Michelle McCune begins her Printmaking class by setting their assignment for the day, then setting them free to work.

Mrs. Michelle McCune’s third hour printmaking class is one based on the freedom of creativity. At the beginning of class, Mrs. McCune tells her class the theme or goal of the period, but as for the content of their creations, it’s pretty much up to the class.

The students begin by brainstorming and prepping for their artwork with Mrs. McCune there for creative support if needed. After envisioning what they want their print to turn out to be, they carve the image into a piece of glass to transferred with ink using the printing press.

The end product is a piece that each student is proud of, and the success of the long process is hung up on the board for everyone to see. The diverse creations serve to display the imaginativeness of each individual student.